Life is a great big canvas.
Throw all the paint on it you can.
—Danny Kaye

American Waves

Autumn Falling

Be Mine (Table Runner or Placemats)

Block Stars

Center Nine

Center Star

Christmas Stockings


Decorate the Tree

Diamonds All Around

Fall Garden

Flowers Through the Lattice

Forever Wave

Garden of Flowers

Heart Strings

Hexi Christmas Stockings

Interlocking Rings

Jelly Roll Stars

Millefiori Medallions

Millefiori Table Topper

O Christmas Tree



Pointed Flower

Presents Under the Tree

Santa Brings Presents

Stars and Stripes Wave

Star Crossed

Star Gazing

Stars in Stripes

Super 8 #1

Surrounded by Love


Tulip Mini

Tulip Table Runner

Wedding Ring Quilt

Winding Way